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Whilst there are no miracle foods or ingredients when it comes to nutrition, a key nutrient that you need to focus on particularly during the menopause transition is fibre.⁣

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate and refers to the parts of plant-based foods (vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes including beans and pulses) that are not broken down or used by the body. Instead, these non-digestible parts make their way through the gut contributing to our health in different ways. ⁣

🍏 Fibre nourishes our oestroblome ( the oestrogen metabolising department of your gut microbiome) which means we are in better hormone balance⁣

🥦 It keeps your appetite in check as it keeps you fuller for longer⁣

🫘 It helps regulate your blood sugar control⁣ ⁣

Make fibre your friend!⁣

To learn more about which nutrients to focus on during your menopause journey preorder my book Food for Menopause, out this THURSDAY! ⁣

#foodformenopause #fibre #fibreforthemenopause
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21 hours ago
Whilst there are no miracle foods or ingredients when it comes to nutrition, a key nutrient that you need to focus on particularly during the menopause transition is fibre.⁣
Fibre is a type of carbohydrate and refers to the parts of plant-based foods (vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes including beans and pulses) that are not broken down or used by the body. Instead, these non-digestible parts make their way through the gut contributing to our health in different ways. ⁣
🍏 Fibre nourishes our oestroblome ( the oestrogen metabolising department of your gut microbiome) which means we are in better hormone balance⁣
🥦 It keeps your appetite in check as it keeps you fuller for longer⁣
🫘 It helps regulate your blood sugar control⁣ ⁣
Make fibre your friend!⁣
To learn more about which nutrients to focus on during your menopause journey preorder my book Food for Menopause, out this THURSDAY! ⁣
#foodformenopause #fibre #fibreforthemenopause

Build your menopause toolkit 🔧⁣

2 out of 3 women during the perimenopause/ menopause experience brain fog. ⁣

Your brain is a big deal. It controls how we think, what we remember, our feelings, our breathing, our body temperature and pretty much every process that regulates our body. ⁣

Supporting our brain health is important at any age but even more so from mid-life onwards.⁣

🔧 These are 5 integral tools for your menopause toolkit for brain function. ⁣

For more, preorder my book FOOD FOR MENOPAUSE, which is out in 10 days! It’s packed with more tools for your menopause toolkit. ⁣

Link in bio to order now ⬆️✨⁣

#FoodforMenopause #menopausetoolkit #menopause #10daycountdown #outsoon
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1 week ago
Build your menopause toolkit 🔧⁣
2 out of 3 women during the perimenopause/ menopause experience brain fog. ⁣
Your brain is a big deal. It controls how we think, what we remember, our feelings, our breathing, our body temperature and pretty much every process that regulates our body. ⁣
Supporting our brain health is important at any age but even more so from mid-life onwards.⁣
🔧 These are 5 integral tools for your menopause toolkit for brain function. ⁣
For more, preorder my book FOOD FOR MENOPAUSE, which is out in 10 days! It’s packed with more tools for your menopause toolkit. ⁣
Link in bio to order now ⬆️✨⁣
#FoodforMenopause #menopausetoolkit #menopause #10daycountdown #outsoonImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

Its normal to feel tired from time to time but if you are tired of being tired ( i.e. menopause fatigue), you need to work on boosting your energy levels.⁣

Here are 5 things to consider. ⬆️⁣

For more tools in your menopause toolkit check out my new Book out in just over 2 weeks called Food for Menopause. ⁣

You can preorder now from the link in my bio ✨ ✅ ⁣

#energylevels #boost #menopausefatigue #menopause #tired #foodformenopause
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2 weeks ago
Its normal to feel tired from time to time but if you are tired of being tired ( i.e. menopause fatigue), you need to work on boosting your energy levels.⁣
Here are 5 things to consider. ⬆️⁣
For more tools in your menopause toolkit check out my new Book out in just over 2 weeks called Food for Menopause. ⁣
You can preorder now from the link in my bio ✨ ✅ ⁣
#energylevels #boost #menopausefatigue #menopause #tired #FoodforMenopauseImage attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

Being a brown woman myself and being a public health researcher I am passionate about inequalities and finding solutions that bridge the gap.⁣

Menopause is yet another area that needs more equity across the board. ⁣

Here is some food for thought and support!⁣

For more support and guidance through your personal (peri)-menopause journey, pre order my book FOOD FOR MENOPAUSE ✨ Link in the bio✨⬆️ ⁣

#menopauseinequalities #ethnicityandmenopause #memopausesupport #foodformenopause
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4 weeks ago
Being a brown woman myself and being a public health researcher I am passionate about inequalities and finding solutions that bridge the gap.⁣
Menopause is yet another area that needs more equity across the board. ⁣
Here is some food for thought and support!⁣
For more support and guidance through your personal (peri)-menopause journey, pre order my book FOOD FOR MENOPAUSE ✨ Link in the bio✨⬆️ ⁣
#menopauseinequalities #ethnicityandmenopause #memopausesupport #foodformenopauseImage attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

Weight gain during the perimenopause and menopause can have a real knock-on effect on one’s body confidence, self-esteem and motivation.⁣

In my clinical practice women regularly complain to me that while they haven’t changed their eating and exercise habits it seems that they just keep gaining weight – especially around the middle.⁣

There are several reasons why you can gain weight in your 40’s and beyond and similarly the solution must be holistic. Whilst you maybe tempted to go on the latest fad diet in an effort to shift the pounds, menopause is not a time for deprivation! It’s a time to change things up, but still in a way that nourishes you.⁣

If you want more support shifting the pounds and keeping it off why not join my highly personalised 1-2-1 signature 12-week programme?⁣

Follow the link in my bio to book your free discovery call today ⬆️✅⁣

#weightgainduringthemenopause #menopauseweightgain #menopauseweight #midlifemastery
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1 month ago
Weight gain during the perimenopause and menopause can have a real knock-on effect on one’s body confidence, self-esteem and motivation.⁣
In my clinical practice women regularly complain to me that while they haven’t changed their eating and exercise habits it seems that they just keep gaining weight – especially around the middle.⁣
There are several reasons why you can gain weight in your 40’s and beyond and similarly the solution must be holistic. Whilst you maybe tempted to go on the latest fad diet in an effort to shift the pounds, menopause is not a time for deprivation! It’s a time to change things up, but still in a way that nourishes you.⁣
If you want more support shifting the pounds and keeping it off why not join my highly personalised 1-2-1 signature 12-week programme?⁣
Follow the link in my bio to book your free discovery call today ⬆️✅⁣
#weightgainduringthemenopause #menopauseweightgain #menopauseweight #midlifemasteryImage attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Very fun to spot you in the headlines today. 🙂

In Midlife Mastery you will learn to: ⁣

✅ Get to know you!⁣

✅ Know you so that you can manage your symptoms. ⁣

✅ Know you so that you can be active participant in determining how you age. ⁣

✅ Know you so that you can stretch and not snap. ⁣

✅ Know you so that you can show up as the best version of you and keep performing in all areas of your life. ⁣

There’s only 1 space left to join August’s uptake for the Midlife Mastery Programme. Follow the link in my bio to book your free discovery call now. ⬆️⁣

#midlifemastery #menopause #perimenopause #themidlifemasteryprogramme
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2 months ago
In Midlife Mastery you will learn to: ⁣
✅ Get to know you!⁣
✅ Know you so that you can manage your symptoms. ⁣
✅ Know you so that you can be active participant in determining how you age. ⁣
✅ Know you so that you can stretch and not snap. ⁣
✅ Know you so that you can show up as the best version of you and keep performing in all areas of your life. ⁣
There’s only 1 space left to join August’s uptake for the Midlife Mastery Programme. Follow the link in my bio to book your free discovery call now. ⬆️⁣
#midlifemastery #menopause #perimenopause #themidlifemasteryprogrammeImage attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment
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For more than 15 years now, I have been helping individuals to better understand their body and show them how nutrition can have a real impact on their daily life. Going further I also collaborate with Corporation to either improve their nutrition strategy or develop the staff wellness. 

If you are curious to know how I can support you in achieving your goal, let’s have a quick chat.